Adventures Await! Embark on a whimsical journey through the animal kingdom with the Animal Adventures Bundle, a lively collection of courses designed to bring your illustrations to life. Whether you’re inspired by majestic wildlife, charming small-scale creatures, or imaginative animal scenes, this bundle offers everything you need to grow your artistic skills and confidence.

This bundle includes:

  • Wildlife – Develop creative muscle memory with guided drawing exercises and twelve in-depth painting videos that focus on capturing the beauty of animals.
  • Art Troop No. 5 | 1 – Discover small-scale illustrations as you master watercolor layering, warm and cool colors, and paint delightful animals like hedgehogs, rhinos, and bees.
  • Art Troop No. 5 | 2 – Build on your skills with exercises in overlapping objects, creating textures, and exploring new colors while illustrating lions, giraffes, and whimsical gnomes.
  • Art Troop No. 5 | 3 – Experiment with birds-eye views, patterns, and everyday objects as you create illustrations of sloths, ponies, polar bears, and robots.

Through detailed video lessons, downloadable handouts, and playful projects, the Animal Adventures Bundle will inspire you to explore new techniques, refine your skills, and enjoy the magic of animal-inspired illustration.

Get Started Today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Course Refund Policy

Due to the nature of digital course content, refunds are not offered once the bundle or individual courses have been purchased. If you experience any technical issues or have questions about the content, please reach out, and we’ll do our best to assist you.

Can I substitute a course in a bundle?

The courses in each bundle are thoughtfully curated as a complete set and cannot be substituted; however, each course is also available individually if you’re looking for a specific offering.